Cleaning Medical Data with R

A 3-hour R in Medicine Workshop

Shannon Pileggi true

Screenshot of slide featuring artwork by Allison Horst named Taming the Data Beast. The artwork shows messy grid like sheets roped together on the left hand side, with a frazzled looking monster inserting grid sheets into a more orderly fashon on right hand side.



In this workshop you will learn how to import messy data from an Excel spreadsheet, and develop the R skills to turn this mess into tidy data ready for analysis.

Learning objectives

Is this course for me?

If your answer to any of the following questions is “yes”, then this is the right workshop for you.

The workshop is designed for those with some experience in R. It will be assumed that participants can perform basic data manipulation. Experience with the {tidyverse} and the %>%/|> operator is a major plus, but is not required.


Crystal Lewis (she/her) is a Freelance Research Data Management Consultant, helping people better understand how to organize, document, and share their data. She has been wrangling data in the field of Education for over 10 years. She is also a co-organizer for R-Ladies St. Louis.

Peter Higgins (he/him) is a Professor at the University of Michigan, a translational researcher interested in reproducible research, and the creator of the {medicaldata} package. He enjoys clean and tidy data when he (rarely) encounters it in the wild.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Pileggi (2023, June 6). PIPING HOT DATA: Cleaning Medical Data with R. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Pileggi, Shannon},
  title = {PIPING HOT DATA: Cleaning Medical Data with R},
  url = {},
  year = {2023}