Going from wide to long with #TidyTuesday beach volleyball
Figure 1: Artwork by @allison_horst
, modified to substitute pivot_wider() and pivot_longer() for spread and gather.
I demonstrate a pivot_longer()
plus pivot_wider()
approach to data preparation as an alternative to explicitly coding computations. This approach might be beneficial for you if you have:
✅ wide data,
✅ with a consistent naming structure,
✅ and many variables to aggregate.
I love reading and watching Julia Silge’s #TidyTuesday tidymodels tutorials! Recently I was following her post about xgboost classification models with the beach volleyball data. The first 15 minutes of the 50 minute video are about getting familiar with the data and preparing it for modeling, and I realized I would have taken a different approach to the data preparation involving pivot_longer()
and pivot_wider()
. Also, Spencer Zeigler recently tweeted asking about this approach.
do you ever have to pivot_longer() first to get pivot_wider() to do what you want? or is my data just formatted badly? or am I bad at pivoting data? or both? #rstats #tidyr
— Spencer Zeigler (@spenceometry) August 24, 2021
Yes Spencer, I do this all the time!
This material was developed using:
Software / package | Version |
R | 4.0.5 |
RStudio | 1.4.1103 |
tidyverse |
1.3.1 |
provides more information about the beach volleyball data.
vb_matches <- readr::read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2020/2020-05-19/vb_matches.csv', guess_max = 76000)
# A tibble: 76,756 x 65
circuit tournament country year date gender match_num
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <date> <chr> <dbl>
1 AVP Huntington Be~ United St~ 2002 2002-05-24 M 1
2 AVP Huntington Be~ United St~ 2002 2002-05-24 M 2
3 AVP Huntington Be~ United St~ 2002 2002-05-24 M 3
4 AVP Huntington Be~ United St~ 2002 2002-05-24 M 4
5 AVP Huntington Be~ United St~ 2002 2002-05-24 M 5
6 AVP Huntington Be~ United St~ 2002 2002-05-24 M 6
7 AVP Huntington Be~ United St~ 2002 2002-05-24 M 7
8 AVP Huntington Be~ United St~ 2002 2002-05-24 M 8
9 AVP Huntington Be~ United St~ 2002 2002-05-24 M 9
10 AVP Huntington Be~ United St~ 2002 2002-05-24 M 10
# ... with 76,746 more rows, and 58 more variables: w_player1 <chr>,
# w_p1_birthdate <date>, w_p1_age <dbl>, w_p1_hgt <dbl>,
# w_p1_country <chr>, w_player2 <chr>, w_p2_birthdate <date>,
# w_p2_age <dbl>, w_p2_hgt <dbl>, w_p2_country <chr>, w_rank <chr>,
# l_player1 <chr>, l_p1_birthdate <date>, l_p1_age <dbl>,
# l_p1_hgt <dbl>, l_p1_country <chr>, l_player2 <chr>,
# l_p2_birthdate <date>, l_p2_age <dbl>, l_p2_hgt <dbl>,
# l_p2_country <chr>, l_rank <chr>, score <chr>, duration <time>,
# bracket <chr>, round <chr>, w_p1_tot_attacks <dbl>,
# w_p1_tot_kills <dbl>, w_p1_tot_errors <dbl>,
# w_p1_tot_hitpct <dbl>, w_p1_tot_aces <dbl>,
# w_p1_tot_serve_errors <dbl>, w_p1_tot_blocks <dbl>,
# w_p1_tot_digs <dbl>, w_p2_tot_attacks <dbl>,
# w_p2_tot_kills <dbl>, w_p2_tot_errors <dbl>,
# w_p2_tot_hitpct <dbl>, w_p2_tot_aces <dbl>,
# w_p2_tot_serve_errors <dbl>, w_p2_tot_blocks <dbl>,
# w_p2_tot_digs <dbl>, l_p1_tot_attacks <dbl>,
# l_p1_tot_kills <dbl>, l_p1_tot_errors <dbl>,
# l_p1_tot_hitpct <dbl>, l_p1_tot_aces <dbl>,
# l_p1_tot_serve_errors <dbl>, l_p1_tot_blocks <dbl>,
# l_p1_tot_digs <dbl>, l_p2_tot_attacks <dbl>,
# l_p2_tot_kills <dbl>, l_p2_tot_errors <dbl>,
# l_p2_tot_hitpct <dbl>, l_p2_tot_aces <dbl>,
# l_p2_tot_serve_errors <dbl>, l_p2_tot_blocks <dbl>,
# l_p2_tot_digs <dbl>
This is copied straight from Julia’s blog post. The original data preparation involves writing formulas with transmute()
followed by stacking data for winners and losers with bind_rows()
vb_parsed <- vb_matches %>%
w_attacks = w_p1_tot_attacks + w_p2_tot_attacks,
w_kills = w_p1_tot_kills + w_p2_tot_kills,
w_errors = w_p1_tot_errors + w_p2_tot_errors,
w_aces = w_p1_tot_aces + w_p2_tot_aces,
w_serve_errors = w_p1_tot_serve_errors + w_p2_tot_serve_errors,
w_blocks = w_p1_tot_blocks + w_p2_tot_blocks,
w_digs = w_p1_tot_digs + w_p2_tot_digs,
l_attacks = l_p1_tot_attacks + l_p2_tot_attacks,
l_kills = l_p1_tot_kills + l_p2_tot_kills,
l_errors = l_p1_tot_errors + l_p2_tot_errors,
l_aces = l_p1_tot_aces + l_p2_tot_aces,
l_serve_errors = l_p1_tot_serve_errors + l_p2_tot_serve_errors,
l_blocks = l_p1_tot_blocks + l_p2_tot_blocks,
l_digs = l_p1_tot_digs + l_p2_tot_digs
) %>%
winners <- vb_parsed %>%
select(circuit, gender, year,
w_attacks:w_digs) %>%
rename_with(~ str_remove_all(., "w_"), w_attacks:w_digs) %>%
mutate(win = "win")
losers <- vb_parsed %>%
select(circuit, gender, year,
l_attacks:l_digs) %>%
rename_with(~ str_remove_all(., "l_"), l_attacks:l_digs) %>%
mutate(win = "lose")
vb_df <- bind_rows(winners, losers) %>%
mutate_if(is.character, factor)
# A tibble: 28,664 x 11
circuit gender year attacks kills errors aces serve_errors blocks
<fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 AVP M 2004 45 24 7 0 2 5
2 AVP M 2004 71 31 16 3 8 7
3 AVP M 2004 43 26 5 2 4 7
4 AVP M 2004 42 32 5 2 3 7
5 AVP M 2004 44 31 1 0 5 6
6 AVP M 2004 55 31 6 0 4 8
7 AVP M 2004 39 26 8 5 3 4
8 AVP M 2004 41 21 8 1 1 6
9 AVP M 2004 60 33 12 0 1 9
10 AVP M 2004 32 11 5 1 5 8
# ... with 28,654 more rows, and 2 more variables: digs <dbl>,
# win <fct>
This approach leverages pivot_wider()
and pivot_longer()
to avoid writing out explicit computations. This can work well if you need to aggregate many variables with a sum or a mean. This approach does require a unique identifier for each record.
vb_df <- vb_matches %>%
mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
id, circuit, gender, year,
) %>%
drop_na() %>%
cols = -c(id, circuit, gender, year),
names_to = c("status", "player", "method", "metric"),
names_pattern = "([wl])_(p[12])_(tot)_(.*)",
values_to = "value"
) %>%
group_by(id, circuit, gender, year, status, metric) %>%
summarize(total = sum(value)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
names_from = "metric",
values_from = total
And here is what the final data looks like!
# A tibble: 28,664 x 12
id circuit gender year status aces attacks blocks digs errors
<int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1846 AVP M 2004 l 1 57 2 17 17
2 1846 AVP M 2004 w 0 45 5 11 7
3 1847 AVP M 2004 l 0 61 5 23 13
4 1847 AVP M 2004 w 3 71 7 21 16
5 1848 AVP M 2004 l 1 36 2 11 7
6 1848 AVP M 2004 w 2 43 7 10 5
7 1849 AVP M 2004 l 0 41 4 12 8
8 1849 AVP M 2004 w 2 42 7 7 5
9 1850 AVP M 2004 l 1 45 1 7 6
10 1850 AVP M 2004 w 0 44 6 15 1
# ... with 28,654 more rows, and 2 more variables: kills <dbl>,
# serve_errors <dbl>
In case that was hard to follow in one long code chunk, below I show what the data looks like at each of four steps annotated with comments.
# step 1: initial manipulation of wide data ----
step1 <- vb_matches %>%
# create unique identifier ----
mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
# retain relevant variables ----
id, circuit, gender, year,
) %>%
# remove records where any observations are missing ----
# A tibble: 14,332 x 32
id circuit gender year w_p1_tot_attacks w_p1_tot_kills
<int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1846 AVP M 2004 11 6
2 1847 AVP M 2004 32 13
3 1848 AVP M 2004 19 11
4 1849 AVP M 2004 19 13
5 1850 AVP M 2004 24 21
6 1851 AVP M 2004 20 7
7 1852 AVP M 2004 17 11
8 1853 AVP M 2004 7 2
9 1854 AVP M 2004 16 10
10 1855 AVP M 2004 13 5
# ... with 14,322 more rows, and 26 more variables:
# w_p1_tot_errors <dbl>, w_p1_tot_aces <dbl>,
# w_p1_tot_serve_errors <dbl>, w_p1_tot_blocks <dbl>,
# w_p1_tot_digs <dbl>, w_p2_tot_attacks <dbl>,
# w_p2_tot_kills <dbl>, w_p2_tot_errors <dbl>, w_p2_tot_aces <dbl>,
# w_p2_tot_serve_errors <dbl>, w_p2_tot_blocks <dbl>,
# w_p2_tot_digs <dbl>, l_p1_tot_attacks <dbl>,
# l_p1_tot_kills <dbl>, l_p1_tot_errors <dbl>, l_p1_tot_aces <dbl>,
# l_p1_tot_serve_errors <dbl>, l_p1_tot_blocks <dbl>,
# l_p1_tot_digs <dbl>, l_p2_tot_attacks <dbl>,
# l_p2_tot_kills <dbl>, l_p2_tot_errors <dbl>, l_p2_tot_aces <dbl>,
# l_p2_tot_serve_errors <dbl>, l_p2_tot_blocks <dbl>,
# l_p2_tot_digs <dbl>
# step 2: reshape data to long ----
step2 <- step1 %>%
# specify variables to hold fixed and not pivot ----
cols = -c(id, circuit, gender, year),
# create four new variables extracted from the variable name ----
names_to = c("status", "player", "method", "metric"),
# regex pattern to extract values from variable name ---
names_pattern = "([wl])_(p[12])_(tot)_(.*)",
# the value of the metric ---
values_to = "value"
# A tibble: 401,296 x 9
id circuit gender year status player method metric value
<int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 1846 AVP M 2004 w p1 tot attacks 11
2 1846 AVP M 2004 w p1 tot kills 6
3 1846 AVP M 2004 w p1 tot errors 1
4 1846 AVP M 2004 w p1 tot aces 0
5 1846 AVP M 2004 w p1 tot serve_errors 1
6 1846 AVP M 2004 w p1 tot blocks 0
7 1846 AVP M 2004 w p1 tot digs 7
8 1846 AVP M 2004 w p2 tot attacks 34
9 1846 AVP M 2004 w p2 tot kills 18
10 1846 AVP M 2004 w p2 tot errors 6
# ... with 401,286 more rows
# step 3: sum values of player 1 and player 2 for all metrics ----
step3 <- step2 %>%
group_by(id, circuit, gender, year, status, metric) %>%
summarize(total = sum(value)) %>%
# A tibble: 200,648 x 7
id circuit gender year status metric total
<int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 1846 AVP M 2004 l aces 1
2 1846 AVP M 2004 l attacks 57
3 1846 AVP M 2004 l blocks 2
4 1846 AVP M 2004 l digs 17
5 1846 AVP M 2004 l errors 17
6 1846 AVP M 2004 l kills 31
7 1846 AVP M 2004 l serve_errors 5
8 1846 AVP M 2004 w aces 0
9 1846 AVP M 2004 w attacks 45
10 1846 AVP M 2004 w blocks 5
# ... with 200,638 more rows
# step 4: reshape data to wide for modeling ----
step4 <- step3 %>%
names_from = "metric",
values_from = total
# A tibble: 28,664 x 12
id circuit gender year status aces attacks blocks digs errors
<int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1846 AVP M 2004 l 1 57 2 17 17
2 1846 AVP M 2004 w 0 45 5 11 7
3 1847 AVP M 2004 l 0 61 5 23 13
4 1847 AVP M 2004 w 3 71 7 21 16
5 1848 AVP M 2004 l 1 36 2 11 7
6 1848 AVP M 2004 w 2 43 7 10 5
7 1849 AVP M 2004 l 0 41 4 12 8
8 1849 AVP M 2004 w 2 42 7 7 5
9 1850 AVP M 2004 l 1 45 1 7 6
10 1850 AVP M 2004 w 0 44 6 15 1
# ... with 28,654 more rows, and 2 more variables: kills <dbl>,
# serve_errors <dbl>
If you are fortunate enough to have wide data with a consistent naming structure, using a pivot_longer()
/ pivot_wider()
data preparation approach can save you from writing out tedious formulas. Let me know what you think!
Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".
For attribution, please cite this work as
Pileggi (2021, Aug. 27). PIPING HOT DATA: A tidyverse pivot approach to data preparation in R. Retrieved from https://www.pipinghotdata.com/posts/2021-08-27-a-tidyverse-pivot-approach-to-data-preparation-in-r/
BibTeX citation
@misc{pileggi2021a, author = {Pileggi, Shannon}, title = {PIPING HOT DATA: A tidyverse pivot approach to data preparation in R}, url = {https://www.pipinghotdata.com/posts/2021-08-27-a-tidyverse-pivot-approach-to-data-preparation-in-r/}, year = {2021} }